/* Silver and Situados. Marichal and Mantecon (1994) Hispanic American Historical Review Vol.74 #4 pp.587-613 Y=Silver Minted, X=Payments Made to New Spain. Years=1720-1800 with 1751-2 imputed. */ options nodate nonumber ps=54 ls=80; goptions reset=all dev=pdf gsfname=output gsfmode=replace; data one; input year 7-11 situados 18-27 minted 34-44; situados=situados/1000000; minted=minted/1000000; amerrev=0; if 1779 <= year <= 1783 then amerrev=1; cards; 1720 1226215 7874315 1721 1046440 9460730 1722 376311 8823927 1723 921332 8107343 1724 928764 7872819 1725 698335 7369815 1726 690360 8236645 1727 702108 8133081 1728 353345 9228544 1729 640906 8814968 1730 714051 9745871 1731 961858 8439871 1732 1063585 8726466 1733 1148936 10009796 1734 308749 8506554 1735 1063897 7922009 1736 880634 11016000 1737 1103957 8122133 1738 1083357 9490250 1739 524605 8550686 1740 1320670 9556040 1741 1948375 8644177 1742 672024 8177000 1743 1622300 8619000 1744 1349189 10285000 1745 1493178 10327500 1746 1457684 11509000 1747 1468279 12002000 1748 2402106 11628000 1749 2138665 11823500 1750 1614920 13209000 1751 848271 12631000 1752 918960 13625500 1753 2227312 11594000 1754 1775134 11594000 1755 2064520 12486500 1756 311502 12299500 1757 3687895 12529000 1758 2313552 12757591 1759 1910268 13022000 1760 295113 11976500 1761 5332595 11781000 1762 1305525 10114490 1763 3090352 11775033 1764 2466581 9792536 1765 2053284 11604838 1766 2620072 11210047 1767 2340972 10415110 1768 2573292 12278956 1769 2827777 11938794 1770 3222307 13926324 1771 3008223 12803168 1772 2996654 16971857 1773 2942433 18933257 1774 3069553 12892069 1775 3140699 14245286 1776 3349175 16463276 1777 3637682 20643211 1778 3775836 18995503 1779 5396240 18696158 1780 6497758 16949621 1781 8189147 19644027 1782 9799280 17123633 1783 10610785 23027920 1784 4085807 20425203 1785 6620532 17945736 1786 2816031 16820174 1787 2764106 15462699 1788 4833888 19495218 1789 5432016 20534479 1790 4092429 17390584 1791 4860607 20092870 1792 4280711 23154893 1793 4959991 23355841 1794 5021497 21150584 1795 3376607 23871230 1796 7539384 24259612 1797 3472153 23955108 1798 2210449 22924823 1799 7520371 21025107 1800 1498924 17839052 ; run; proc iml; use one; read all into mat1; n=nrow(mat1); y=mat1(|,2|); x=j(n,1,1)||mat1(|,3:4|); dfe=nrow(x)-ncol(x); logy=log(y); yg=exp(sum(logy)/n); ipx=i(n)-x*inv(x`*x)*x`; lowlam=-2; hilam=2; intrvallam=0.1; numlam=((hilam-lowlam)/intrvallam)+1; lambda=j(numlam,1,0); ybc=j(n,numlam,0); do i=1 to numlam; lambda(|i,1|)=hilam*(i-(numlam+1)/2)/((numlam-1)/2); if lambda(|i,1|)=0 then ybc(|,i|)=yg*log(y); else ybc(|,i|)=((y##lambda(|i,1|))-1)/(lambda(|i,1|)*(yg**(lambda(|i,1|)-1))); end; sse1=ybc`*ipx*ybc; sse=diag(sse1)*j(numlam,1,1); lambdasse = lambda||sse; do i=1 to numlam; if min(sse)=lambdasse(|i,2|) then lam_est=lambdasse(|i,1|); end; lam_ci=min(sse)*(1+(tinv(.025,dfe)**2)/dfe); print lambdasse; print lam_est lam_ci dfe; varnames={lambda sse}; create boxcox from lambdasse (|colname=varnames|); append from lambdasse; quit; proc print; symbol1 c=black l=1 i=spline; filename output 'treas1.pdf'; proc gplot; plot sse*lambda / vref=75.8 frame haxis=-1 to 1 by 0.1; title 'Box-Cox Transformation - Spanish Treasure Data'; run; quit; quit; quit;