Kuehl -- Example 2.1 Bacteria/Meat Obs package logcount 1 1 7.66 2 1 6.98 3 1 7.80 4 2 5.26 5 2 5.44 6 2 5.80 7 3 7.41 8 3 7.33 9 3 7.04 10 4 3.51 11 4 2.91 12 4 3.66 Kuehl -- Example 2.1 Bacteria/Meat The MEANS Procedure Analysis Variable : logcount N package Obs Mean Std Dev --------------------------------------------------- 1 3 7.4800000 0.4386342 2 3 5.5000000 0.2749545 3 3 7.2600000 0.1946792 4 3 3.3600000 0.3968627 --------------------------------------------------- Kuehl -- Example 2.1 Bacteria/Meat The GLM Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels Values package 4 1 2 3 4 Number of Observations Read 12 Number of Observations Used 12 Kuehl -- Example 2.1 Bacteria/Meat The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: logcount Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 3 32.87280000 10.95760000 94.58 <.0001 Error 8 0.92680000 0.11585000 Corrected Total 11 33.79960000 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE logcount Mean 0.972580 5.768940 0.340367 5.900000 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F package 3 32.87280000 10.95760000 94.58 <.0001 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F package 3 32.87280000 10.95760000 94.58 <.0001 Kuehl -- Example 2.1 Bacteria/Meat The GLM Procedure Observation Observed Predicted Residual 1 7.66000000 7.48000000 0.18000000 2 6.98000000 7.48000000 -0.50000000 3 7.80000000 7.48000000 0.32000000 4 5.26000000 5.50000000 -0.24000000 5 5.44000000 5.50000000 -0.06000000 6 5.80000000 5.50000000 0.30000000 7 7.41000000 7.26000000 0.15000000 8 7.33000000 7.26000000 0.07000000 9 7.04000000 7.26000000 -0.22000000 10 3.51000000 3.36000000 0.15000000 11 2.91000000 3.36000000 -0.45000000 12 3.66000000 3.36000000 0.30000000 Sum of Residuals -0.00000000 Sum of Squared Residuals 0.92680000 Sum of Squared Residuals - Error SS -0.00000000 First Order Autocorrelation -0.56732844 Durbin-Watson D 3.00258956