A data set from Oehlert (2000) \emph{A First Course in Design and Analysis of Experiments}, New York: W. H. Freeman. Data originally from David Rey (1981)) ``Characterization of the Effect of Solutes on the Water-Binding and Gel Strength Propoerties of Carrageenan, MS Thesis, Dept. of Food Science, Univ of Minn. These data give the water binding (in mOsm) for various carrageenan gum gels. The first column is type of carrageenan gum (level 1 is kappa, level 2 is mostly kappa with some lambda, level 3 is iota). The second column is gum concentration in g/100g H20 (level 1 is .1, level 2 is .5, level 3 is 2 for gums 1 and 2 and 1 for gum 3). The third column is type of solute. Level 1 is salt (NaCl), level 2 is sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), level 3 is sucrose. The fourth column is solute concentration (ku/kg H20). For sucrose, the three levels are .05, .1, and .25; for NaCl and Na2SO4 the levels are .1, .25, and 1. The last column is the water-binding in mOsm.