nfl2014 <- read.csv("") attach(nfl2014); names(nfl2014) Height_OL <- Height[Position=="OL"] Weight_OL <- Weight[Position=="OL"] HandLen_OL <- HandLen[Position=="OL"] ArmLen_OL <- ArmLen[Position=="OL"] nfl2014_OL <- data.frame(Height_OL, Weight_OL, HandLen_OL, ArmLen_OL) detach(nfl2014) attach(nfl2014_OL) #### Data now only contains players who are offensive linemen (OL) (n_OL <- length(Height_OL)) ### n=sample size (number of players) one_OL <- rep(1,n_OL) ### nx1 vecor of 1s ### create X matrix by column binding the p=4 variables X_OL <- cbind(Height_OL, Weight_OL, HandLen_OL, ArmLen_OL) ### Obtain S_n and R_n using built-in R functions cov and cor (S_n <- ((n_OL-1)/n_OL) * cov(nfl2014_OL)) (R_n <- cor(nfl2014_OL)) ### Obtain px1 vector xbar = (1/n) X'1_n * is scalar multiply, %*% is matrix (xbar_OL <- (1/n_OL) * t(X_OL) %*% one_OL) ### Repeats each of p=4 means n times xbar1_OL <- rep(xbar_OL[1,], n_OL) xbar2_OL <- rep(xbar_OL[2,], n_OL) xbar3_OL <- rep(xbar_OL[3,], n_OL) xbar4_OL <- rep(xbar_OL[4,], n_OL) ### Create p=4 deviation vectors, each of length n: d_ i = x_i - xbar_i1_n d1_OL <- X_OL[,1] - xbar1_OL d2_OL <- X_OL[,2] - xbar2_OL d3_OL <- X_OL[,3] - xbar3_OL d4_OL <- X_OL[,4] - xbar4_OL ### Shows that xbar_i1_n is perpendicular to d_i t(xbar1_OL) %*% d1_OL t(xbar2_OL) %*% d2_OL t(xbar3_OL) %*% d3_OL t(xbar4_OL) %*% d4_OL ### J_n is nxn matrix of 1s, I_n is nxn Identity matrix J_n <- matrix(rep(1,n_OL^2),ncol=n_OL) I_n <- diag(n_OL) ### Deviation matrix = (I - (1/n)J)X dmat_OL <- (I_n - (1/n_OL)*J_n) %*% X_OL ### Sum of Squares and Crossproducts matrix: SSCP=X'(I - (1/n)J)X and S (SS_dmat_OL <- t(dmat_OL) %*% dmat_OL) (S_dmat_OL <- (1/(n_OL-1)) * SS_dmat_OL) ### D^(1/2) (D12_dmat_OL <- diag(sqrt(diag(S_dmat_OL)))) ### R = D^(-1/2)SD^(-1/2) (R_dmat_OL <- solve(D12_dmat_OL) %*% S_dmat_OL %*% solve(D12_dmat_OL)) ### Obtain eigenvalues (lambda) and eigenvectors (as matrix P) of S eigen_OL <- eigen(S_dmat_OL) (lambda_OL <- eigen_OL$val) (P_OL <- eigen_OL$vec) ### P is [e1 ... ep] (pxp) ### Obtain diagonal matrix of eigenvalues and sqrt(eigvals) (Lambda_OL <- diag(lambda_OL)) (Lambda12_OL <- diag(sqrt(lambda_OL))) ### Reproduce S, S^{-1} and S^(1/2) from spectral decompositon (S_sd_OL <- P_OL %*% Lambda_OL %*% t(P_OL)) (Sinv_sd_OL <- P_OL %*% solve(Lambda_OL) %*% t(P_OL)) (S12_sd_OL <- P_OL %*% Lambda12_OL %*% t(P_OL)) S_sd_OL %*% Sinv_sd_OL S12_sd_OL %*% S12_sd_OL