nfl <- read.csv("") attach(nfl); names(nfl) ## Standardize all variables zheight <- (height - mean(height)) / sd(height) zarmlen <- (armlen - mean(armlen)) / sd(armlen) zwt <- (wt - mean(wt)) / sd(wt) zhandlen <- (handlen - mean(handlen)) / sd(handlen) ztime40 <- (time40 - mean(time40)) / sd(time40) zbench <- (bench - mean(bench)) / sd(bench) zvjump <- (vjump - mean(vjump)) / sd(vjump) zbjump <- (bjump - mean(bjump)) / sd(bjump) ## length(zheight); length(zarmlen); length(zwt); length(zhandlen) ## Z1 = Standardized Body Dimensions, Z2 = Standardized Physical Performance Z1 <- cbind(zheight,zarmlen,zwt,zhandlen) Z2 <- cbind(ztime40,zbench,zvjump,zbjump) ## X1 = Body Dimensions, X2 = Physical Performance (Original Scale) X1 <- nfl[,2:5] X2 <- nfl[,6:9] p <- ncol(X1); q <- ncol(X2) ## Obtain canonical correlation analysis ( <- cancor(X1,X2,xcenter=TRUE,ycenter=TRUE)) ## Obtain R and the 4 submatrices corresponding to X1 and X2 R <- cor(cbind(X1,X2)) round(R,4) R11 <- R[1:p,1:p] R12 <- R[1:p,(p+1):(p+q)] R21 <- R[(p+1):(p+q),1:p] R22 <- R[(p+1):(p+q),(p+1):(p+q)] ## Obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors of R11 ## Obtain R11^(-1/2) and R11^(-1) by Spectral Decomposition R11.lam <- eigen(R11)$val R11.e <- eigen(R11)$vec R11.m12 <- matrix(rep(0,p^2),ncol=p) R11.m1 <- matrix(rep(0,p^2),ncol=p) for (i1 in 1:p) { R11.m12 <- R11.m12 + (1/sqrt(R11.lam[i1])) * (R11.e[,i1] %*% t(R11.e[,i1])) R11.m1 <- R11.m1 + (1/R11.lam[i1]) * (R11.e[,i1] %*% t(R11.e[,i1])) } solve(R11.m12 %*% R11.m12) ## check that R11^(-1/2) works ## Obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors of R22 ## Obtain R22^(-1/2) and R22^(-1) by Spectral Decomposition R22.lam <- eigen(R22)$val R22.e <- eigen(R22)$vec R22.m12 <- matrix(rep(0,q^2),ncol=q) R22.m1 <- matrix(rep(0,q^2),ncol=q) for (i1 in 1:q) { R22.m12 <- R22.m12 + (1/sqrt(R22.lam[i1])) * (R22.e[,i1] %*% t(R22.e[,i1])) R22.m1 <- R22.m1 + (1/R22.lam[i1]) * (R22.e[,i1] %*% t(R22.e[,i1])) } ## Compute R11^(-1/2) x R12 x R22^(-1) x R21 x R11^(-1/2) {1} ## Compute R22^(-1/2) x R21 x R11^(-1) x R12 x R22^(-1/2) {2} CC.mat1 <- R11.m12 %*% R12 %*% R22.m1 %*% R21 %*% R11.m12 CC.mat2 <- R22.m12 %*% R21 %*% R11.m1 %*% R12 %*% R22.m12 ## Obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of {1} and {2} ## e_k and f_k are the sets of eigenvectors of {1} and {2}, respectively ## rho_1^*2 >= ...>= rho_p^*2 are non-zero eigenvalues of {1} ## " " " are largest " of {2} CC.mat1.lam <- eigen(CC.mat1)$val; CC.mat1.e <- eigen(CC.mat1)$vec CC.mat2.lam <- eigen(CC.mat2)$val; CC.mat2.f <- eigen(CC.mat2)$vec cbind(CC.mat1.lam, sqrt(CC.mat1.lam)) cbind(CC.mat2.lam, sqrt(CC.mat2.lam)) ## Set up A matrix with row i being transpose of ith eigenvector of {1} ## " " B " " " " " " " " " " {2} A <- matrix(rep(0,p^2),ncol=p) # A_{pxp} B <- matrix(rep(0,q^2),ncol=q) # B_{qxq} for (i1 in 1:p) { A[i1,] <- t(t(R11.m12) %*% CC.mat1.e[,i1]) } for (i1 in 1:q) { B[i1,] <- t(t(R22.m12) %*% CC.mat2.f[,i1]) } A %*% R11 %*% t(A) # A*R11*A' = I_p B %*% R22 %*% t(B) # B*R22*B' = I_q ## Print out A and B A.out <- A rownames(A.out) <- c("a1'","a2'","a3'","a4'") round(A.out,5) B.out <- B rownames(B.out) <- c("b1'","b2'","b3'","b4'") round(B.out,5) ## U_{nxp} = Z1 * A' V_{nxq} = Z2 * B' U <- Z1 %*% t(A) V <- Z2 %*% t(B) ## COV{U,Z1}, COV{V,Z2} - Slide 7 (COV_U_Z1 <- A %*% R11) (COV_V_Z2 <- B %*% R22) cor(U[,1], Z1[,1]); cor(U[,1], Z1[,2]) ## Brute Force cor(U[,2], Z1[,1]); cor(U[,2], Z1[,2]) ## Brute Force ## CORR{U1,V1}, CORR{U2,V2} cor(U[,1], V[,1]); cor(U[,2], V[,2]) ## Brute Force ## COV{U,V} - Slide 12 (COV_U_V <- A %*% R12 %*% t(B)) ## Matrix Errors of Approximation - Slide 13 CC.rho <- matrix(rep(0,p*q), ncol=q) ## Set up diag matrix of canonical corrs for (i in 1:p) CC.rho[i,i] <- sqrt(CC.mat1.lam[i]) AI <- solve(A); BI <- solve(B) AI1 <- matrix(AI[,1],ncol=1) AI2 <- matrix(AI[,2],ncol=1) AI3 <- matrix(AI[,3],ncol=1) AI4 <- matrix(AI[,4],ncol=1) BI1 <- matrix(BI[,1],ncol=1) BI2 <- matrix(BI[,2],ncol=1) BI3 <- matrix(BI[,3],ncol=1) BI4 <- matrix(BI[,4],ncol=1) ## This is messed up (Only R12 part) (AI %*% CC.rho %*% t(BI)) - R12 AI %*% t(AI) - R11 BI %*% t(BI) - R22 R11 - AI1 %*% t(AI1) R11 - AI1 %*% t(AI1) - AI2 %*% t(AI2) R11 - AI1 %*% t(AI1) - AI2 %*% t(AI2) - AI3 %*% t(AI3) R11 - AI1 %*% t(AI1) - AI2 %*% t(AI2) - AI3 %*% t(AI3) - AI4 %*% t(AI4) R22 - BI1 %*% t(BI1) R22 - BI1 %*% t(BI1) - BI2 %*% t(BI2) R22 - BI1 %*% t(BI1) - BI2 %*% t(BI2) - BI3 %*% t(BI3) R22 - BI1 %*% t(BI1) - BI2 %*% t(BI2) - BI3 %*% t(BI3) - BI4 %*% t(BI4) ## Must add not subtract due to signs - still does not sum to 0 R12 + (sqrt(CC.mat1.lam[1]) * AI1 %*% t(BI1) + sqrt(CC.mat1.lam[2]) * AI2 %*% t(BI2) + sqrt(CC.mat1.lam[3]) * AI3 %*% t(BI3) + sqrt(CC.mat1.lam[4]) * AI4 %*% t(BI4)) ## Proportions of Sample Variance Explained - (pp. 561-563,Slide 14) sum(diag(AI1 %*% t(AI1))) / p # R11.1 (sum(diag(AI1 %*% t(AI1))) + sum(diag(AI2 %*% t(AI2)))) / p # R11.2 (sum(diag(AI1 %*% t(AI1))) + sum(diag(AI2 %*% t(AI2))) + sum(diag(AI3 %*% t(AI3)))) / p # R11.3 (sum(diag(AI1 %*% t(AI1))) + sum(diag(AI2 %*% t(AI2))) + sum(diag(AI3 %*% t(AI3))) + sum(diag(AI4 %*% t(AI4)))) / p # R11.4 sum(diag(BI1 %*% t(BI1))) / q # R22.1 (sum(diag(BI1 %*% t(BI1))) + sum(diag(BI2 %*% t(BI2)))) / q # R22.2 (sum(diag(BI1 %*% t(BI1))) + sum(diag(BI2 %*% t(BI2))) + sum(diag(BI3 %*% t(BI3)))) / q # R22.3 (sum(diag(BI1 %*% t(BI1))) + sum(diag(BI2 %*% t(BI2))) + sum(diag(BI3 %*% t(BI3))) + sum(diag(BI4 %*% t(BI4)))) / q # R22.4 # Matrix form AIAI <- t(AI) %*% AI BIBI <- t(BI) %*% BI prop.Z1 <- rep(0,p); prop.Z2 <- rep(0,q) prop.Z1[1] <- AIAI[1,1]/p; prop.Z2[1] <- BIBI[1,1]/p for (r in 2:p) prop.Z1[r] <- sum(diag(AIAI[1:r,1:r]))/p for (r in 2:q) prop.Z2[r] <- sum(diag(BIBI[1:r,1:r]))/q prop.out <- cbind(t(prop.Z1),t(prop.Z2)) colnames(prop.out) <- c("Z1,r=1","r=2","r=3","r=4","Z2,r=1","r=2","r=3","r=4") round(prop.out,4) #### Large-Sample Tests (pp. 563-566) ## Test Sigma_12 = Rho_12 = 0 n <- nrow(Z1) ## Bartlett Multiplier TS1 <- -(n-1-0.5*(p+q+1)) ## Product of (1 - rho_i^*2) from 1 - eigenvalues of {1} TS2 <- 1 for (i in 1:p) TS2 <- TS2*(1-CC.mat1.lam[i]) ## Likelihood Ratio Test TS <- TS1 * log(TS2) TS.DF <- p*q TS.CV <- qchisq(.95,TS.DF) TS.PV <- 1-pchisq(TS,TS.DF) test.out <- cbind(TS,TS.DF,TS.CV,TS.PV) colnames(test.out) <- c("Test Stat","DF","X2(.05)","Pr>TS") round(test.out,4) ## Test rho_1^* ^= 0, rho_2^* = .. = rho_p^* = 0 TS2.rho <- rep(1,p) TS.DF <- rep(0,p) for (i1 in 1:p) { TS.DF[i1] <- (p-(i1-1))*(q-(i1-1)) for (i2 in i1:p) { TS2.rho[i1] <- TS2.rho[i1] * (1-CC.mat1.lam[i2]) }} TS <- TS1*log(TS2.rho) TS.CV <- qchisq(.95,TS.DF) TS.PV <- 1-pchisq(TS,TS.DF) test.out <- cbind(1:4,TS,TS.DF,TS.CV,TS.PV) colnames(test.out) <- c("k+1","Test Stat","DF","X2(.05)","Pr>TS") round(test.out,4)