Dataset: rock_aquifer.dat Source: C.E. Brown (1993). "Use of Principal-Component, Correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analyses to Investigate Physical and Hydraulic Properties of Carbonate-Rock Aquifers," Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 147, pp. 169-195 Variables related to porosity and log(permeability) in rock samples from Central Penn Potentiai Predictors: Bulk Density (g/cm^3) Insoluble residue (%) Grain length of a-axis (phi units) Grain Length of b-axis (phi units) Calcite (%) Dolomite (%) Total Carbonate (%) Variables/Columns Sample 8 /* 1=Stonehenge Limestone, 2=Nittany Dolomite, 3=Axeann Limestone, 4=Bellefonte Limestone Bulk Density 10-16 Porosity 18-24 Log Permeability 26-32 Insoluble Residue 34-40 Total Carbonate 42-48 Grain Length of a-axis 50-56 SD of a-axis length 58-64 Grain Length of b-axis 66-72 SD of b-axis length 74-80 Calcite 82-88 Dolomite 90-96