Dataset: riskgamble.dat Source: D. Kahneman and A. Tversky (1984). "Choices, Values, and Frames", American Psychologist, Vol.35, #4, pp. 341-350. Description: Results of Choices by 150 students with respect to gamble versus sure-thing, when framed as Gain versus Loss (paired experiment). Decision 1 Choose between: A. a sure gain of $240 B. 25% chance for $1000 gain, 75% chance for $0 gain Decision 2 Choose Between: C. a sure loss of $750 D. 75% chance to lose $1000, 25% chance to lose $0 Variables/Columns Decision 1 choice 1 /* 1=A, 2=B Decision 2 choice 3 /* 1=C, 2=D Number of students 5-7