Dataset: resid_energy.dat Source: A. Kialashaki and J.R. Reisel (2013). "Modeling of the Energy Demand of the Residential Sector in the United States Using Regression Models and Artificial Neural Networks," Applied Energy, Vol. 108, pp. 271-280. Description: Factors relating to US residntial sector energy consumption (Y, im millions of billions of BTUs) for years 1984-2010. Predictors: Resident Population (X1, in millions), Gross domestic product (X2, in trillions of $), household size (X3, persons), median hhold income (X4, in 1000s of 2010 dollars), cost of residential electricity (X5, in dollars per million BTUs), cost of residential natural gas (X6, in dollars per million BTUs), cost of residential heating oil (X7, in dollars per million BTUs) Variables/Columns Year 5-8 Resident population 10-16 GDP 18-24 Household Dize 26-32 Median hhold income 34-40 Cost of Residential Electricity 42-48 Cost of residential natural gas 50-56 Cost of Residential Heating Oil 58-64 Residental energy consumption 66-72