Dataset: microfabric_strength.csv Source: E. Ali, W. Guang, A. Ibrahim (2014). "Empirical Relations Between Compressive Strength and Microfabrics Properties Using Multivariate Regression, Fuzzy Inference and Neural Networks: A Comparative Study," Engineering Geology, To Appear, Available online 9/16/2014. Description: Model used to predict uniaxial compressive strength (ucs) of rocks. Predictor variables/labels: Quartz Content in % (qtz) Plagioclase Content in % (plag) Feldspar Content in % (k.fds) Hornblende Content in % (hb) Grain Size in pixels/mm (gs) Grain Area in pixels/mm^2 (ga) Shape Factor as mesure of circularity (close to 1 for circular, close to 0 if elongated) (sf) Aspect Ratio as ratio major/minor axis lengths (ar)