The SAS System 1 15:01 Tuesday, March 20, 2018 The NLIN Procedure Dependent Variable weight Method: Gauss-Newton Iterative Phase Sum of Iter b0 b1 b2 b3 Squares 0 1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 1.0000 2.2958E9 1 340.6 -1.0359 -1.0566 -2.2256 1.7924E9 2 1475.6 -1.1558 -1.0535 -1.7301 4.9304E8 3 2645.9 -1.2794 -1.0435 -1.4687 5070491 4 2716.5 -1.2869 -1.0199 -2.6799 2728628 5 2717.2 -1.2869 -0.9646 -10.1938 2639056 6 2719.5 -1.2869 -0.7008 -66.4728 2394596 7 2725.4 -1.2869 0.2490 -134.9 2141268 8 2725.5 -1.2869 0.7100 -135.4 2004224 9 2726.1 -1.2869 0.7486 -138.2 1947192 10 2729.4 -1.2869 0.8856 -150.3 1495000 11 2741.3 -1.2869 0.9673 -170.6 926834 12 2786.8 -1.2869 0.9802 -231.2 675633 13 2881.6 -1.2869 0.9851 -349.3 149391 14 2911.7 -1.2869 0.9841 -385.0 1154.1 15 2912.5 -1.2869 0.9842 -386.0 1122.4 16 2912.5 -1.2869 0.9842 -386.0 1122.4 17 2912.5 -1.2869 0.9842 -386.0 1122.4 NOTE: Convergence criterion met. Estimation Summary Method Gauss-Newton Iterations 17 Subiterations 13 Average Subiterations 0.764706 R 3.089E-7 PPC(b3) 1.198E-8 RPC(b3) 6.822E-7 Object 3.1E-10 Objective 1122.435 Observations Read 315 Observations Used 315 Observations Missing 0 The SAS System 2 15:01 Tuesday, March 20, 2018 The NLIN Procedure Sum of Mean Approx Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F Model 3 2910559 970186 268816 <.0001 Error 311 1122.4 3.6091 Corrected Total 314 2911681 Approx Approximate 95% Confidence Parameter Estimate Std Error Limits b0 2912.5 1.1481 2910.3 2914.8 b1 -1.2869 0.00495 -1.2966 -1.2771 b2 0.9842 0.000091 0.9840 0.9843 b3 -386.0 0.9598 -387.9 -384.1 Approximate Correlation Matrix b0 b1 b2 b3 b0 1.0000000 -0.2805379 0.9346988 -0.9184283 b1 -0.2805379 1.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0000000 b2 0.9346988 0.0000000 1.0000000 -0.8838217 b3 -0.9184283 -0.0000000 -0.8838217 1.0000000