options nodate nonumber ps=54 ls=80; goptions device=ps gaccess=gsasfile gend='0a'x gsflen=72 vsize=3.2 hsize=4.5; FILENAME website HTTP "http://www.stat.ufl.edu/~winner/data/flysurv1.dat"; data flysurv; infile website; input trt time censor; run; /* Obtain Kaplan-Weier estimates of survival functions and perform Log-Rank Test to compare them time*censor(1) tells SAS that censored values have censor=1 */ proc print; proc lifetest plots=(s) graphics method=km; time time*censor(1); strata trt; symbol1 c=blk v=circle; symbol2 c=rbk v=square; filename gsasfile 'flysurv.ps'; run; quit;