sg1 <- read.csv("") attach(sg1); names(sg1) ## OLS and Weighted Least Squares for Cartridge Type 1 using lm Function ## Weights = 1/variance of measurements at the distance Y1 <- sqrtSprd[cartridge==1] X1 <- range[cartridge==1] WT1 <- 1/(sdGrp[cartridge==1])^2 n1 <- length(Y1) # cbind(Y1,X1) mod1.ols <- lm(Y1 ~ X1) summary(mod1.ols) anova(mod1.ols) mod1.wls <- lm(Y1 ~ X1, weight=WT1) summary(mod1.wls) anova(mod1.wls) ## Matrix Form for Weighted Least Squares ## Note that for TSS and SSR, P0=(1/n)J is replaced with ## P0*=X0*(X0*'X0*)^(-1)X0*' W1 <- diag(sqrt(WT1)) X01 <- cbind(rep(1,n1),X1) Xs1 <- W1 %*% X01 Ys1 <- W1 %*% Y1 beta_WLS <- solve(t(Xs1) %*% Xs1) %*% t(Xs1) %*% Ys1 e_WLS <- Ys1 - Xs1 %*% beta_WLS SSE_WLS <- t(e_WLS) %*% e_WLS s2_WLS <- SSE_WLS/(n1-ncol(Xs1)) V_beta_WLS <- s2_WLS[1,1] * solve(t(Xs1) %*% Xs1) SE_beta_WLS <- sqrt(diag(V_beta_WLS)) t_beta_WLS <- beta_WLS / SE_beta_WLS p_beta_WLS <- 2*(1-pt(abs(t_beta_WLS),n1-ncol(Xs1))) LB_beta_WLS <- beta_WLS + qt(.025,n1-ncol(Xs1)) * SE_beta_WLS UB_beta_WLS <- beta_WLS + qt(.975,n1-ncol(Xs1)) * SE_beta_WLS WLS_out <- cbind(beta_WLS, SE_beta_WLS, t_beta_WLS, p_beta_WLS, LB_beta_WLS, UB_beta_WLS) colnames(WLS_out) <- c("Estimate","Std. Err.","t","P>|t|","Lower","Upper") rownames(WLS_out) <- c("Intercept", "RangeFire") round(WLS_out, 4) Xs0 <- Xs1[,1] Ps0 <- Xs0 %*% solve(t(Xs0) %*% Xs0) %*% t(Xs0) Ps1 <- Xs1 %*% solve(t(Xs1) %*% Xs1) %*% t(Xs1) I1 <- diag(n1) TSS_WLS <- t(Ys1) %*% (I1 - Ps0) %*% Ys1 SSR_WLS <- t(Ys1) %*% (Ps1 - Ps0) %*% Ys1 df_WLS <- rbind(ncol(Xs1)-1,n1-ncol(Xs1),n1-1) SS_WLS <- rbind(SSR_WLS,SSE_WLS,TSS_WLS) MS_WLS <- rbind(SS_WLS[1]/df_WLS[1],SS_WLS[2]/df_WLS[2], NA) F_WLS <- rbind(MS_WLS[1]/MS_WLS[2],NA,NA) p_WLS <- rbind(1-pf(F_WLS[1],df_WLS[1],df_WLS[2]),NA,NA) WLS_anova <- cbind(df_WLS,SS_WLS,MS_WLS,F_WLS,p_WLS) colnames(WLS_anova) <- c("df","SS","MS","F","P>F") rownames(WLS_anova) <- c("Regression", "Error", "Total") round(WLS_anova,4) ## Power Variance function estimate ## V{Y_i} = sigma^2 * mu_i^(2*delta) ## gls function gives sigma and delta (power) library(nlme) mod1.gls <- gls(Y1 ~ X1, weights=varPower(form = ~fitted(.)), method="ML") summary(mod1.gls) intervals(mod1.gls) mod2.gls <- gls(Y1 ~ X1, method="ML") summary(mod2.gls) anova(mod2.gls, mod1.gls) ## Allow different variances by rangeFire group rangeFireF <- factor(range[cartridge==1]) mod3.gls <- gls(Y1 ~ X1, weights=varIdent(form = ~ 1|rangeFireF), method="ML") summary(mod3.gls) # intervals(mod3.gls) anova(mod3.gls, mod1.gls) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(resid(mod1.ols) ~ predict(mod1.ols)) plot(resid(mod1.wls) ~ predict(mod1.wls)) plot(resid(mod1.gls, type="p") ~ predict(mod1.gls)) plot(resid(mod3.gls, type="p") ~ predict(mod3.gls)) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ################################################################ ### Matrix form for power model ############################### ################################################################ ### This needs to be changed (muhat^2) see newer program ## Preliminary OLS and starting values for variance parameters n <- length(Y1) X <- cbind(rep(1,n1),X1) Y <- Y1 Vhat <- diag(n) Vhat_I <- solve(Vhat) beta_old <- solve(t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% Y muhat <- X %*% beta_old e <- Y - muhat log.s2_old <- log(sum(e^2)/n) delta_old <- 0 ## Set up theta vector, g=dl/dtheta vector, and G=d^2l/dtheta^2 matrix theta.old <- matrix(c(log.s2_old,delta_old),ncol=1) g.theta <- matrix(rep(0,2),ncol=1) G.theta <- matrix(rep(0,4),ncol=2) g.theta[1,1] <- -(n/2) + (1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) g.theta[2,1] <- -(1/2)*sum(log(muhat^2)) + (1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*log(muhat^2)*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) G.theta[1,1] <- -(1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) G.theta[1,2] <- -(1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*log(muhat^2)*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) G.theta[2,1] <- G.theta[1,2] G.theta[2,2] <- -(1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old)* sum(e^2*((log(muhat^2))^2)*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) ## <- theta.old - (G^(-1))g <- theta.old - solve(G.theta) %*% g.theta ## Update elements of theta, V{Y_i}, V{Y}, inv(V{Y}) log.s2_old <-[1,1] s2_old <- exp([1,1]) delta_old <-[2,1] sigma2.Y <- s2_old * ((muhat^2)^delta_old) Vhat <- diag(sigma2.Y[,1]) Vhat_I <- solve(Vhat) ## Begin iteration process delta.beta <- 100 ## Used to measure SS of differences in beta num.iter <- 0 ## Counter for number of iterations while (delta.beta > 0.000000001) { num.iter <- num.iter + 1 beta_new <- solve(t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% Y muhat <- X %*% beta_new e <- Y - muhat theta.old <- matrix(c(log.s2_old,delta_old),ncol=1) g.theta <- matrix(rep(0,2),ncol=1) G.theta <- matrix(rep(0,4),ncol=2) g.theta[1,1] <- -(n/2) + (1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) g.theta[2,1] <- -(1/2)*sum(log(muhat^2)) + (1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*log(muhat^2)*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) G.theta[1,1] <- -(1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) G.theta[1,2] <- -(1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*log(muhat^2)*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) G.theta[2,1] <- G.theta[1,2] G.theta[2,2] <- -(1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old)* sum(e^2*((log(muhat^2))^2)*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) <- theta.old - solve(G.theta) %*% g.theta log.s2_old <-[1,1] s2_old <- exp([1,1]) delta_old <-[2,1] sigma2.Y <- s2_old * ((muhat^2)^delta_old) Vhat <- diag(sigma2.Y[,1]) Vhat_I <- solve(Vhat) delta.beta <- t(beta_new - beta_old) %*% (beta_new - beta_old) beta_old <- beta_new } ## Obtain final EWLS estimates and summary num.iter beta_wls <- beta_new muhat <- X %*% beta_wls e <- Y - muhat g.theta <- matrix(rep(0,2),ncol=1) G.theta <- matrix(rep(0,4),ncol=2) g.theta[1,1] <- -(n/2) + (1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) g.theta[2,1] <- -(1/2)*sum(log(muhat^2)) + (1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*log(muhat^2)*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) G.theta[1,1] <- -(1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) G.theta[1,2] <- -(1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old) * sum(e^2*log(muhat^2)*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) G.theta[2,1] <- G.theta[1,2] G.theta[2,2] <- -(1/2)*exp(-log.s2_old)* sum(e^2*((log(muhat^2))^2)*exp(-delta_old*log(muhat^2))) <- theta.old - solve(G.theta) %*% g.theta theta_wls <- log.s2_new <- theta_wls[1,1] s2_new <- exp(theta_wls[1,1]) delta_new <- theta_wls[2,1] sigma2.Y <- s2_new * muhat^(2*delta_new) Vhat <- diag(sigma2.Y[,1]) Vhat_I <- solve(Vhat) ## When computing V{b_wls}, scale by n/(n-p') as n was denominator in ML V_b_wls <- (n/(n-ncol(X)))*solve(t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% X) SE_b_wls <- sqrt(diag(V_b_wls)) t_b_wls <- beta_wls / SE_b_wls p_b_wls <- 2*(1-pt(abs(t_b_wls),n-ncol(X))) sigma <- rbind(sqrt(exp(theta_wls[1,1])), NA) delta <- rbind(theta_wls[2,1],NA) power_wls_out <- cbind(beta_wls, SE_b_wls, t_b_wls, p_b_wls, sigma, delta) colnames(power_wls_out) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Err.", "t", "P>|t|","sigma", "delta") rownames(power_wls_out) <- c("Intercept","Range") round(power_wls_out,6) summary(mod1.gls) Yhat_wls <- X %*% beta_wls cbind(Yhat_wls, predict(mod1.gls)) V_b_wls vcov(mod1.gls) ################################################################ ### Matrix form for heterogeneous group variance model ######## ################################################################ ## Preliminary OLS and starting values for variance parameters n <- length(X1) X <- cbind(rep(1,n),X1) Y <- Y1 rangeFireF <- factor(rangeFire[cartType==1]) c <- length(unique(X1)) ## Number of distinct X-levels n.grp <- as.vector(tapply(Y, rangeFireF, length)) Vhat <- diag(n) Vhat_I <- solve(Vhat) beta_old <- solve(t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% Y muhat <- X %*% beta_old e <- Y - muhat log.s2_old <- log(sum(e^2)/n) log.m2_old <- rep(0,c-1) ## Set up theta vector, g=dl/dtheta vector, and G=d^2l/theta^2 matrix theta.old <- matrix(c(log.s2_old,log.m2_old),ncol=1) g.theta <- matrix(rep(0,c),ncol=1) G.theta <- matrix(rep(0,c^2),ncol=c) sse <- rep(0, c) logmj2 <- rep(0,c) n.cume <- 0 for (i1 in 1:c) { sse[i1] <- sum((e[(n.cume+1):(n.cume+n.grp[i1])])^2) n.cume <- n.cume+n.grp[i1] if (i1 > 1) {logmj2[i1] <- log.m2_old[i1-1]} } g.theta[1,1] <- -(n/2) + (1/2)*(exp(-log.s2_old)) * sum(exp(-logmj2) * sse) for (i2 in 2:c) { g.theta[i2,1] <- -(n.grp[i2]/2) + (1/2) * exp(-log.s2_old) * exp(-logmj2[i2]) * sse[i2] } G.theta[1,1] <- -(1/2) * (exp(-log.s2_old)) * sum(exp(-logmj2) * sse) for (i2 in 2:c) { G.theta[i2,i2] <- -(1/2) * exp(-log.s2_old) * exp(-logmj2[i2]) * sse[i2] G.theta[1,i2] <- G.theta[i2,1] <- G.theta[i2,i2] } ## <- theta.old - (G^(-1))g <- theta.old - solve(G.theta) %*% g.theta ## Update elements of theta, V{Y_i}, V{Y}, inv(V{Y}) log.s2_old <-[1,1] s2_old <- exp([1,1]) log.m2_old <-[2:c,1] sigma2.Y <- rep(0, n) n.cume <- 0 sigma2.Y[1:n.grp[1]] <- s2_old n.cume <- n.grp[1] for (i1 in 2:c) { sigma2.Y[(n.cume+1):(n.cume+n.grp[i1])] <- s2_old * exp(log.m2_old[i1-1]) n.cume <- n.cume + n.grp[i1] } Vhat <- diag(sigma2.Y) Vhat_I <- solve(Vhat) theta.old g.theta G.theta sse logmj2 beta_old ## Begin iteration process delta.beta <- 100 ## Used to measure SS of differences in beta num.iter <- 0 ## Counter for number of iterations while (delta.beta > 0.000000001) { num.iter <- num.iter + 1 beta_new <- solve(t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% Y # beta_new <- beta_old muhat <- X %*% beta_new e <- Y - muhat log.s2_old <-[1,1] s2_old <- exp([1,1]) log.m2_old <-[2:c,1] ## Set up theta vector, g=dl/dtheta vector, and G=d^2l/dtheta^2 matrix theta.old <- matrix(c(log.s2_old,log.m2_old),ncol=1) g.theta <- matrix(rep(0,c),ncol=1) G.theta <- matrix(rep(0,c^2),ncol=c) sse <- rep(0, c) logmj2 <- rep(0,c) n.cume <- 0 for (i1 in 1:c) { sse[i1] <- sum((e[(n.cume+1):(n.cume+n.grp[i1])])^2) n.cume <- n.cume+n.grp[i1] if (i1 > 1) {logmj2[i1] <- log.m2_old[i1-1]} } g.theta[1,1] <- -(n/2) + (1/2)*(exp(-log.s2_old)) * sum(exp(-logmj2) * sse) for (i2 in 2:c) { g.theta[i2,1] <- -(n.grp[i2]/2) + (1/2) * exp(-log.s2_old) * exp(-logmj2[i2]) * sse[i2] } G.theta[1,1] <- -(1/2) * (exp(-log.s2_old)) * sum(exp(-logmj2) * sse) for (i2 in 2:c) { G.theta[i2,i2] <- -(1/2) * exp(-log.s2_old) * exp(-logmj2[i2]) * sse[i2] G.theta[1,i2] <- G.theta[i2,1] <- G.theta[i2,i2] } g.theta G.theta sse ## <- theta.old - (G^(-1))g <- theta.old - solve(G.theta) %*% g.theta log.s2_old <-[1,1] s2_old <- exp([1,1]) log.m2_old <-[2:c,1] sigma2.Y <- rep(0, n) n.cume <- 0 sigma2.Y[1:n.grp[1]] <- s2_old n.cume <- n.grp[1] for (i1 in 2:c) { sigma2.Y[(n.cume+1):(n.cume+n.grp[i1])] <- s2_old * exp(log.m2_old[i1-1]) n.cume <- n.cume + n.grp[i1] } Vhat <- diag(sigma2.Y) Vhat_I <- solve(Vhat) beta_new <- solve(t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% Y beta_new delta.beta <- t(beta_new - beta_old) %*% (beta_new - beta_old) beta_old <- beta_new } ## Obtain final EWLS estimates and summary num.iter beta_wls <- beta_new muhat <- X %*% beta_wls e <- Y - muhat beta_wls g.theta <- matrix(rep(0,c),ncol=1) G.theta <- matrix(rep(0,c^2),ncol=c) sse <- rep(0, c) logmj2 <- c(1,rep(0,c-1)) n.cume <- 0 for (i1 in 1:c) { sse[i1] <- sum((e[(n.cume+1):(n.cume+n.grp[i1])])^2) n.cume <- n.cume+n.grp[i1] if (i1 > 1) {logmj2[i1] <- log.m2_old[i1-1]} } g.theta[1,1] <- -(n/2) + (1/2)*(exp(-log.s2_old)) * sum(exp(-logmj2) * sse) for (i2 in 2:c) { g.theta[i2,1] <- -(n.grp[i2]/2) + (1/2) * exp(-log.s2_old) * exp(-logmj2[i2]) * sse[i2] } G.theta[1,1] <- -(1/2) * (exp(-log.s2_old)) * sum(exp(-logmj2 * sse) for (i2 in 2:c) { G.theta[i2,i2] <- -(1/2) * exp(-log.s2_old) * exp(-logmj2[i2]) * sse[i2] G.theta[1,i2] <- G.theta[i2,1] <- G.theta[i2,i2] } ## <- theta.old - (G^(-1))g <- theta.old - solve(G.theta) %*% g.theta log.s2_old <-[1,1] s2_old <- exp([1,1]) log.m2_old <-[2:c,1] sigma2.Y <- rep(0, n) n.cume <- 0 sigma2.Y[1:n.grp[1]] <- s2_old n.cume <- n.grp[1] for (i1 in 2:c) { sigma2.Y[(n.cume+1):(n.cume+n.grp[i1])] <- s2_old * exp(log.m2_old[i1-1]) n.cume <- n.cume + n.grp[i1] } Vhat <- diag(sigma2.Y) Vhat_I <- solve(Vhat) ## When computing V{b_wls}, scale by n/(n-p') as n was denominator in ML V_b_wls <- (n/(n-ncol(X)))*solve(t(X) %*% Vhat_I %*% X) SE_b_wls <- sqrt(diag(V_b_wls)) t_b_wls <- beta_wls / SE_b_wls p_b_wls <- 2*(1-pt(abs(t_b_wls),n1-ncol(X))) sigma <- rbind(sqrt(exp([1,1])), NA) m.grp <- rbind(t(sqrt(exp([2:c,1]))),rep(NA,c-1)) power_wls_out <- cbind(beta_wls, SE_b_wls, t_b_wls, p_b_wls, sigma, m.grp) colnames(power_wls_out) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Err.", "t", "P>|t|","sigma", "m2", "m3", "m4", "m5") rownames(power_wls_out) <- c("Intercept","RangeFire") round(power_wls_out,4) Yhat_wls <- X %*% beta_wls # cbind(Yhat_wls, predict(mod3.gls)) V_b_wls vcov(mod3.gls) summary(mod3.gls)