pdf("ex0106.pdf") # Read in data from ASCII formatted (Fixed With File) ex0106dat <- read.fwf("http://www.stat.ufl.edu/~winner/data/biostat/ex0106.dat", width=c(8), col.names=c("months")) # Create a dataset (frame) from input data ex0106 <- data.frame(ex0106dat) # Attach the dataset for analysis attach(ex0106) # Make a set of break points for histogram (not necessary in general) # This is done by generating a sequence of 0 t0 110 by 10 and joining it with 125 (max=122.5) brkmonth <- c(seq(0,110,10),125) brkmonth # Make a histogram of Months to approval (Note it is Relative Frequency or Density) hist(months,breaks=brkmonth) dev.off()