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> death <- read.table("death.dat",header=T)
> attach(death,pos=1)
> death
  D V P count 
1 w w y    53
2 w w n   414
3 w b y     0
4 w b n    16
5 b w y    11
6 b w n    37
7 b b y     4
8 b b n   139

> options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment"))
> d_v_p <- glm(count ~ D + V + P, family=poisson(link=log))  # model (D,V,P)
> summary(d_v_p)

Call: glm(formula = count ~ D + V + P, family = poisson(link = log))

Residual Deviance: 402.8353 on 4 degrees of freedom

> dvp2 <- glm(count ~ D*V + D*P + P*V, family=poisson(link=log)) # (DV,DP,PV)
> dvp2
glm(formula = count ~ D * V + D * P + P * V, family = poisson(link = log))

Degrees of Freedom: 8 Total; 1 Residual
Residual Deviance: 0.3798378 
> 1 - pchisq(.3798, 1)     #  checking goodness of fit
[1] 0.5377103

> update(dvp2, . ~ . - D:V)   #  model (DP, PV)
glm(formula = count ~ D + V + P + D:P + P:V, family = poisson(link = log))

Degrees of Freedom: 8 Total; 2 Residual
Residual Deviance: 384.4273 

> update(dvp2, . ~ . - D:P)  #   model (DV, PV) 
glm(formula = count ~ D + V + P + D:V + P:V, family = poisson(link = log))

Degrees of Freedom: 8 Total; 2 Residual
Residual Deviance: 5.394039 

> update(dvp2, . ~ . - P:V)  #   model (DV, DP) 
glm(formula = count ~ D + V + P + D:V + D:P, family = poisson(link = log))

Degrees of Freedom: 8 Total; 2 Residual
Residual Deviance: 20.72975 

> summary(dvp2)

Call: glm(formula = count ~ D * V + D * P + P * V, family = poisson(link = log))

                 Value Std. Error    t value 
(Intercept)  4.9357837 0.08471229  58.265261
          D -2.1746465 0.26375400  -8.244980
          V -1.3298017 0.18478847  -7.196346
          P -3.5961033 0.50662213  -7.098196
        D:V  4.5949705 0.31351901  14.656114
        D:P -0.8677967 0.36705684  -2.364202
        P:V  2.4044427 0.60036069   4.004997

Residual Deviance: 0.3798378 on 1 degrees of freedom

Number of Fisher Scoring Iterations: 2 

> pearson <- summary.lm(dvp2)$residuals   #  Pearson residuals
> leverage <- lm.influence(dvp2)$hat      #  leverage values
> adjusted <- pearson/sqrt(1 - leverage)   # standardized Pearson residuals
> expected <- fitted(dvp2)           # estimated expected frequencies
> cbind(count, expected, pearson, adjusted)
  count    expected      pearson   adjusted 
1    53  52.8178206  0.025067201  0.4444706
2   414 414.1821794 -0.008951663 -0.4444706
3     0   0.1821795 -0.426564129 -0.4444706
4    16  15.8178207  0.045804235  0.4444706
5    11  11.1821794 -0.054477270 -0.4444706
6    37  36.8178206  0.030023748  0.4444706
7     4   3.8178233  0.093182615  0.4444706
8   139 139.1821794 -0.015442155 -0.4444706

> dv_vp <- glm(count ~ D*V + V*P, family=poisson)  # log is default link
> summary(dv_vp)

Call: glm(formula = count ~ D * V + V * P, family = poisson)

                Value Std. Error    t value 
(Intercept)  4.937366 0.08458905  58.368852
          D -2.190256 0.26361183  -8.308640
          V -1.198864 0.16807052  -7.133100
          P -3.657131 0.50632193  -7.222936
        D:V  4.465384 0.30405464  14.686123
        V:P  1.704547 0.52363865   3.255196

Residual Deviance: 5.394039 on 2 degrees of freedom

> pearson2 <- summary.lm(dv_vp)$residuals   # Pearson residuals
> leverage2 <- lm.influence(dv_vp)$hat      # leverage values
> adjusted2 <- pearson2/sqrt(1 - leverage2)   # standardized Pearson residuals
> expected2 <- fitted(dv_vp)   # estimated expected frequencies
> cbind(count, expected2, pearson2, adjusted2)
  count   expected2    pearson2  adjusted2 
1    53  58.0349564 -0.66080579 -2.3122378
2   414 408.9650473  0.24897414  2.3122378
3     0   0.4025157 -0.63432196 -0.6774471
4    16  15.5974843  0.10191813  0.6774471
5    11   5.9650509  2.06037764  2.3122378
6    37  42.0349646 -0.77629580 -2.3122378
7     4   3.5974845  0.21218070  0.6774471
8   139 139.4025157 -0.03409162 -0.6774471

> def <- c(0,1,0,1); vic <- c(0,0,1,1)  #  now use logit models instead
> > yes <- c(53,11,0,4);  no <- c(414,37,16,139)
> > binom.dat <- cbind(yes, no)

> fit.logit <- glm(binom.dat ~ def + vic, family=binomial(link=logit))
> summary(fit.logit)

                 Value Std. Error    t value 
(Intercept) -2.0594573  0.1458448 -14.120879
        def  0.8677967  0.3670654   2.364147
        vic -2.4044429  0.6003999  -4.004735

Residual Deviance: 0.3798378 on 1 degrees of freedom

> pear.dv <- summary.lm(fit.logit)$residuals  #  Pearson residuals
> lev.dv <- lm.influence(fit.logit)$hat       #  leverage values
> adjust.dv <- pear.dv/sqrt(1 - lev.dv)       #  adjusted residuals
> predict.dv <- fitted(fit.logit)  #  estimated proportion of yes verdicts
> sample <- yes/(yes + no)         #  sample proportions

> cbind(sample, predict.dv, pear.dv, adjust.dv)
      sample predict.dv     pear.dv  adjust.dv 
1 0.11349036 0.11310026  0.02661769  0.4445197
2 0.22916667 0.23296207 -0.06220442 -0.4445197
3 0.00000000 0.01138622 -0.42906532 -0.4445197
4 0.02797203 0.02669806  0.09446088  0.4445197

> def <- factor(def); vic <- factor(vic)
> > cbind(def,vic)
     def vic 
[1,]   1   1
[2,]   2   1
[3,]   1   2
[4,]   2   2

> fit.dv <- glm(binom.dat ~ def + vic, family=binomial(link=logit))
> summary(fit.dv)

                 Value Std. Error    t value 
(Intercept) -2.0594573  0.1458448 -14.120879
        def  0.8677967  0.3670654   2.364147
        vic -2.4044429  0.6003999  -4.004735

Residual Deviance: 0.3798378 on 1 degrees of freedom

> fit.v <- update(fit.dv, . ~ . - def)  #  only vic as main effect
> summary(fit.v)

                Value Std. Error    t value 
(Intercept) -1.952584  0.1335614 -14.619372
        vic -1.704547  0.5236742  -3.254975

Residual Deviance: 5.394039 on 2 degrees of freedom

> pear.v <- summary.lm(fit.v)$residuals   #  Pearson residuals
> lev.v <- lm.influence(fit.v)$hat        #  leverage values
> adjust.v <- pear.v/sqrt(1 - lev.v)      #  adjusted residuals
> predict.v <- fitted(fit.v)  #  estimated proportion of yes verdicts

> cbind(sample, predict.v, pear.v, adjust.v)
      sample  predict.v     pear.v   adjust.v 
1 0.11349036 0.12427185 -0.7061899 -2.3131538
2 0.22916667 0.12427185  2.2027202  2.3131538
3 0.00000000 0.02515723 -0.6425058 -0.6774973
4 0.02797203 0.02515723  0.2149161  0.6774973

Alan Agresti 2001-12-28