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> admissions <- read.table("admissions.dat",header=T)
> attach(admissions, pos=1)
> admissions
   Dept gender admitted count 
 1    a      m      yes   512
 2    a      m       no   313
 3    a      f      yes    89
 4    a      f       no    19
 5    b      m      yes   353
 6    b      m       no   207
 7    b      f      yes    17
 8    b      f       no     8
 9    c      m      yes   120
10    c      m       no   205
11    c      f      yes   202
12    c      f       no   391
13    d      m      yes   138
14    d      m       no   279
15    d      f      yes   131
16    d      f       no   244
17    e      m      yes    53
18    e      m       no   138
19    e      f      yes    94
20    e      f       no   299
21    f      m      yes    22
22    f      m       no   351
23    f      f      yes    24
24    f      f       no   317
> d <- factor(Dept); g <- factor(gender); a <- factor(admitted)
> fit <- glm(count ~ a*d + a*g + d*g, family=poisson)
> fit

Degrees of Freedom: 24 Total; 5 Residual
Residual Deviance: 20.20428 

> fit.indep <- update(fit, .~. - a:g) # conditional indep. of admit and gender
> fit.indep

Degrees of Freedom: 24 Total; 6 Residual
Residual Deviance: 21.73551 

> pearson <- summary.lm(fit.indep)$residuals #  Pearson residuals
> hat <- lm.influence(fit.indep)$hat         # hat or leverage values
> adjusted <- pearson/sqrt(1 - hat)          # standardized Pearson residuals
> cbind(Dept, gender, admitted, count, fitted(fit.indep), pearson, adjusted)
   Dept gender admitted count                pearson   adjusted 
 1    1      2        2   512 531.430846 -0.84290731 -4.1465776
 2    1      2        1   313 293.569165  1.13391310  4.1465776
 3    1      1        2    89  69.569537  2.32575149  4.1465776
 4    1      1        1    19  38.431098 -3.12869525 -4.1465776
 5    2      2        2   353 354.188034 -0.06312654 -0.5037048
 6    2      2        1   207 205.811966  0.08281207  0.5037048
 7    2      1        2    17  15.811966  0.29876748  0.5037048
 8    2      1        1     8   9.188034 -0.39193581 -0.5037048
 9    3      2        2   120 113.997821  0.56216078  0.8680661
10    3      2        1   205 211.002179 -0.41320484 -0.8680661
11    3      1        2   202 208.002179 -0.41617398 -0.8680661
12    3      1        1   391 384.997821  0.30590022  0.8680661
13    4      2        2   138 141.632576 -0.30523413 -0.5458732
14    4      2        1   279 275.367424  0.21890637  0.5458732
15    4      1        2   131 127.367424  0.32187369  0.5458732
16    4      1        1   244 247.632576 -0.23083985 -0.5458732
17    5      2        2    53  48.077055  0.70999484  1.0005327
18    5      2        1   138 142.922945 -0.41178810 -1.0005327
19    5      1        2    94  98.922945 -0.49496658 -1.0005327
20    5      1        1   299 294.077055  0.28707441  1.0005327
21    6      2        2    22  24.030812 -0.41427041 -0.6197504
22    6      2        1   351 348.969188  0.10871169  0.6197504
23    6      1        2    24  21.969188  0.43327252  0.6197504
24    6      1        1   317 319.030812 -0.11369817 -0.6197504

> dept.a <- c(1,1,1,1,rep(0,20))
> dept.a
 [1] 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> update(fit.indep, .~. + a:g:dept.a) # add a*g assoc. only for Dept. a

Degrees of Freedom: 24 Total; 5 Residual
Residual Deviance: 2.681497 

> binom.dat <- t(matrix(count, ncol=12)) # now look at equivalent logit models
                                         # note t = transpose
> binom.dat
      [,1] [,2] 
 [1,]  512  313
 [2,]   89   19
 [3,]  353  207
 [4,]   17    8
 [5,]  120  205
 [6,]  202  391
 [7,]  138  279
 [8,]  131  244
 [9,]   53  138
[10,]   94  299
[11,]   22  351
[12,]   24  317
> fit.b <- glm(binom.dat ~ dep + gen, family=binomial)
> fit.b

Degrees of Freedom: 12 Total; 5 Residual
Residual Deviance: 20.20428 
> fit.indep.b <- update(fit.b, .~. - gen)
> fit.indep.b

Degrees of Freedom: 12 Total; 6 Residual
Residual Deviance: 21.73551 

> pearson <- summary.lm(fit.indep.b)$residuals   #  Pearson residuals
> hat.b <- lm.influence(fit.indep.b)$hat  # hat or leverage values
> pearson.b <- summary.lm(fit.indep.b)$residuals   #  Pearson residuals
> adjusted.b <- pearson.b/sqrt(1 - hat.b)   # standardized Pearson residuals
> cbind(dep, gen, binom.dat, fitted(fit.indep.b), pearson.b, adjusted.b)
   dep gen                     pearson.b adjusted.b 
 1   1   1 512 313 0.64415863 -1.4129812 -4.1530324
 2   1   2  89  19 0.64415863  3.9052736  4.1530324
 3   2   1 353 207 0.63247863 -0.1041288 -0.5037077
 4   2   2  17   8 0.63247863  0.4928272  0.5037077
 5   3   1 120 205 0.35076253  0.6976841  0.8680662
 6   3   2 202 391 0.35076253 -0.5165034 -0.8680662
 7   4   1 138 279 0.33964646 -0.3756167 -0.5458732
 8   4   2 131 244 0.33964646  0.3960931  0.5458732
 9   5   1  53 138 0.25171233  0.8207703  1.0005339
10   5   2  94 299 0.25171233 -0.5721924 -1.0005339
11   6   1  22 351 0.06442577 -0.4282971 -0.6197508
12   6   2  24 317 0.06442577  0.4479426  0.6197508

Alan Agresti 2001-12-28