Dataset: celebrityendorse_attention.csv Source: P.-S. Wei, H.-P. Lu (2013). "An examination of the Celebrity Endorsements and Online Customer Reviews Influence Female Consumers' Shopping Behavior," Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 29, pp. 193-201. Description: Experiment with 2-factors: Product (1=Shoes, 2=Ink Toner) and Endorser (1=Celebrity, 2=Online customer). Completely Randomized (Between Subjects) Design. Data simulated to match trt means and SDs. Response is subjects' attention score (average of 3 1-5 responses). Variable names: trt_group /* 1=shoes/celeb, 2=shoes/online, 3=toner/celeb, 4=toner/online product /* 1= shoes, 2=ink toner */ endorser /* 1=celebrity, 2=online customer */ shoe /* 1=shoe, 0=toner */ celebrity /* 1=celebrity, 0=online customer */ attention /* response variable */